Make an Appointment: 760-385-3959 | [email protected]

  • Our Services

    Naturopathic Care

    First office visits typically include one hour where information about your health and wellbeing is assembled into a more complete picture. It is common to consider testing, typically blood work, to assess for contributing factors that can be addressed and corrected. An initial plan is started, although this will likely be further fleshed out after testing is complete. If you have had any recent testing or imaging, it is often very useful to bring that in to your appointment.

    Follow up visits are usually 30 minutes and they will further expand our treatment. We will check on your progress and challenges, adjusting treatment as needed based on your response and goals.

    Common recommendations include diet and lifestyle changes, homeopathy and nutritional supplements to support health and wellbeing.

    Mental Health

    Individuals struggling with mental health concerns commonly have overlooked nutrient deficiencies, hormonal dysregulation, inflammatory conditions, infections or even toxicities that are contributing negatively to how they feel. A naturopathic provider can help find these underlying problems and then use the safest, most effective tools to restore health and balance.Diet is a powerful and fundamental tool for patients in their recovery and return to wellness. In addition, there are a number of researched herbs and supplements that can improve emotional wellbeing.


    We live such fast-paced lives that we never have time to slow down and relax. This constant go-go lifestyle affects us in many ways, including changing how we breathe. These changes in breathing become ingrained and unfortunately, further increase our stress. Through a simple, but powerful biofeedback tool, a capnometer, we can easily assess your breathing patterns and see the effects of stress on how you are breathing. It is then possible to learn breathing patterns that can undo these effects.

    Stressed, upregulated breathing causes or contributes to many problems:

    • Panic attacks
    • Generalized anxiety
    • Depression
    • Asthma attacks
    • ADHD
    • Stress and burnout
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Performance anxiety
    • and others…

    Common symptoms of dysregulated breathing includes:

    • Feeling light-headed, or inability to focus
    • Frequent sighing
    • Yawning when stressed
    • A sense of air hunger or a need to breathe more
    • A feeling that you can’t catch your breath
    • A general sense that something is wrong with your breathing
    • A sense that you are holding your breath

    In extreme situations this can build into a panic or anxiety attack with full hyperventilation. Learning how to breathe correctly can be a powerful tool to reverse these challenges. The first breathing assessment will evaluate your breathing and find a corrective breathing strategy. Usually a couple follow up sessions are required to make sure the technique is being applied properly and to follow progress.

    Are you ready to take the first step?

    Reach out to us today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

    By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Yes, I want to submit this form" you agree to hold Brighter Vision harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means.